Know Your Rights - Women's Rights

These resources address several key aspects of federal and New York State laws that protect women's rights at work.

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Women make up a significant portion of the workforce, especially in education. Despite the significant progress we've made towards equality in recent decades, it's still important to understand the protections in place to ensure a safe, equal and inclusive environment for women in the workplace.

Discussion topics include:

  • Why is it important to understand protections for women in the workplace, especially in education?
  • What constitutes sex discrimination, including discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, transgender status, or gender expression?
  • How is adverse treatment of an employee based on these factors prohibited?
  • What defines sexual harassment as a form of sex discrimination?
  • What protections are in place against pregnancy discrimination?
  • What rights do breastfeeding mothers have regarding break time and private spaces to pump breast milk?
  • What reasonable accommodations must employers provide for pregnancy-related conditions?
  • What are the rights concerning forced leave if reasonable accommodations can be made?
  • How can women demand equal pay for equal work?
  • How does New York’s new pay transparency law help close the wage gap and ensure fair pay for all workers?