Know Your Rights - FAQ: Controversial Topics

This video discusses several controversial topics that you may encounter in the workplace as an educator.

These range from what you can and cannot say in the classroom, to when and if you should use students’ preferred pronouns, to following administrative policies and dealing with parental demands.

Discussion topics include:

  • What are the boundaries for what you can and cannot say in the classroom?
  • When and if should you use students’ preferred pronouns?
  • How should you follow administrative policies and handle parental demands?
  • How does staying within the established curriculum and district policies protect you under academic freedom and tenure rights?
  • What protections do probationary teachers have under various laws and agreements?
  • What steps should you take if you feel your job is threatened?
  • How does New York law address the likelihood of legal action against teachers for classroom statements?
  • What is the school district's duty to defend and indemnify employees sued for job-related actions?
  • How should you address illegal or discriminatory actions by the district?
  • What role does the local union play in protecting against discrimination or retaliation?
  • How do anti-discrimination laws protect employees who complain of discrimination?
  • What actions should you take if a parent demands you not teach certain topics aligned with curriculum and policies?
  • Why should students’ preferred pronouns generally be respected under the Dignity for All Students Act (DASA)?
  • How does DASA aim to protect students from bullying, harassment, and threats while respecting their need for confidentiality?