1. Does Teacher Evaluation and Development support implementation of the state's APPR requirements?
Yes. The TED system accommodates the state's new Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) requirements for teacher evaluation through the use of multiple measures, for allocating 60 points of the composite score related to a teacher's professional practice. TED also outlines options for selecting appropriate local measures for the 20 points of the composite score for student achievement. The remaining 20 points of the composite score will be based on state determined measures of student growth.
2. May districts adopt the TED system without using NYSUT's Teacher Practice Rubric?
Yes. While NYSUT's Teacher Practice rubric is the tool designed to assess the state's Teaching Standards within TED, any of the state's approved practice rubrics could be used.
3. Are the rubric and TED system designed for use with all teachers regardless of their content or subject area?
Yes. Both the rubric and the TED system are aligned with the NYS Teaching Standards. TED's primary goal is to help all teachers improve their teaching practice through an integrated strategy for advancing teacher growth and development.
4. What does the implementation of the TED system involve?
Similar to any effective teacher evaluation system, school districts will need to invest in resources and tools to implement TED with fidelity, including:
- Materials - The TED system Handbook, companion workbook, the Teacher Practice Rubric, materials, current research and resources are available on NYSUT's TED website.
- Training - NYSUT Education & Learning Trust (ELT) offers training to help school districts implement the TED system including: • Stakeholder Academy (two day turnkey training for up to 35 participants); • Evaluator Academy (five-day training for evaluators and peer evaluators); and • Educator Academy (a series of five modules, either taken independently as 3-hour seminars, or as a 15-hour, two day training). Contact ELT for customized training and pricing at 800-528-6208 or ELTmail@nysutmail.org.
- Technology Tools - TED is supported by data management platforms. Prices vary based upon a range of services and number of users. Contact your BOCES directly for price quotes.
- Teaching and Learning Condition Survey - The anonymous survey, an optional component to TED, is administered by the New Teacher Center (NTC), a national nonprofit organization that has conducted surveys in 14 states and more than 20,000 schools. The cost for an individual school district survey ranges from $10K-50K depending on the size, level of customization and support services needed to implement the survey.
5. Does a district have to implement a Peer Assistance Review (PAR) program as part of the TED system?
No. PAR is an optional component of the TED system since PAR programs must be collectively bargained and jointly developed by the school district and local union and cannot be imposed by either party.
6. How will evaluation results inform professional development?
Using the results of the summative evaluation, the teacher and evaluator create an action plan called the Professional Learning Plan (PLP) to address the development needs of the teacher. Professional development designed in response to teacher evaluation results should consider both the appropriate leaning goals and the system of support for attainment of those goals.
7. Can TED be implemented in small and rural districts?
TED can be easily adapted and customized to meet the needs of smaller and rural locals based on local needs and resources. Smaller districts could collaborate by sharing training delivered to evaluators from multiple school districts in a geographical area.
8. How do I get started if my district and union decide to adopt the TED system?
Visit NYSUT's TED website to obtain a copy of NYSUT's Planning Tool and Implementation Framework that provides guidance on critical goals and activities to implement a new teacher evaluation system. Your union should work closely with your LRS throughout this process. Contact NYSUT Education & Learning Trust to schedule Evaluator, Stakeholder, and Educator training sessions at 800-528-6208 or ELTmail@nysutmail.org.