As part of Shared Success, we offer these "success stories" to spotlight different methods, lessons and creative strategies that NYSUT teachers are using to educate students during a pandemic.

“I found myself doing wellness check-ins with students on most days,” said LaGuardia Community College math professor Reem Jaafar, and their concerns were not all about schoolwork. Her students are adults, living in a real world during a pandemic.

If you told Brockport school counselor Peter Kramer a year ago that he’d be connecting with families through a virtual counseling office — or hosting “talk shows” with his cat Fiona - he never would have believed you.
- TOPICS: Video lessons, school counselors

There is no playbook for teaching in a pandemic. But since Amsterdam Teachers Association member Dalisa Soto-Peruzzi has been teaching music for nine years in what she calls her “dream job,” she knew it was essential to continue educating students with interaction in a subject that promotes comity as well as musical skills. Within two weeks of the pandemic shutdown, she began offering live instruction through Google Meet.
- TOPICS: Music instruction, remote learning, audio and video technology