If you are an educator or school staff in New York state and a member of your local union, it's a good chance you are also a member of NYSUT, the statewide union.
Let's start here: Enter your email address and date of birth below. If we find you in our member database, we will send you an email with your membership information.
Sen. Carl Marcellino www.nysut.org/marcellinorally
Sen. Rich Funke www.nysut.org/funkerally
Sen. George Amedore www.nysut.org/amedorerally
Sen. Terrence Murphy www.nysut.org/murphyrally
Sen. Sue Serino www.nysut.org/serinorally
Sen. Tom O’Mara www.nysut.org/omararally
Sen. Chris Jacobs www.nysut.org/jacobsrally
Sen. Fred Akshar www.nysut.org/aksharrally
Sen. Martin Golden www.nysut.org/goldenrally