January 20, 2012 Union, State indicate discussions on teacher evaluations moving forward Source: NYSUT Media Relations
January 09, 2012 NYSUT and partners: Close corporate tax loopholes Author: Betsy Sandberg Source: NYSUT Communications
January 05, 2012 President Iannuzzi responds to State of the State speech Source: NYSUT Communications
December 21, 2011 Efforts will intensify for more funding for education, health care Author: NYSUT United staff Source: NYSUT United
December 19, 2011 Iannuzzi: Will progress in December mean equity in new year? Author: Richard C. Iannuzzi Source: NYSUT United
November 20, 2011 Unions fight for education funding, jobs Author: Betsy Sandberg Source: NYSUT United
October 26, 2011 Testimony on Financing Public Higher Education Author: Exec. VP Andrew Pallotta Source: NYSUT Legislative Department
October 25, 2011 Iannuzzi: Our social contract must apply to all Author: Richard C. Iannuzzi Source: NYSUT United