April 06, 2020 NYSUT opens up Disaster Relief Fund for #HealthCareHeroes Source: NYSUT Media Relations
School Finance April 04, 2020 SCHOOL AID RUNS: Your district's funding for the enacted 2020-21 state budget Source: NYSUT Research and Educational Services
March 27, 2020 NYSUT launches campaign to send thanks to our ‘Health Care Heroes’ Author: Matt Smith Source: NYSUT Communications
March 25, 2020 Statement on first passing of a NYSUT member related to COVID-19 Source: NYSUT Media Relations
March 20, 2020 NYSUT statement on federal waiver of state testing mandates Source: NYSUT Media Relations
March 18, 2020 Union nurses are on the front lines keeping patients and members safe and informed Author: Liza Frenette Source: NYSUT Communications
March 18, 2020 NYSUT to DeVos: Waive grades 3-8 ELA, math testing mandates amid coronavirus pandemic Source: NYSUT Media Relations