Professional Development

Professional Development
  • Education & Learning Trust

    Offering a wide array of courses and seminars for professional growth or certification purposes, ELT's professional learning is based on best practices, current research-based strategies and real-life applications with the model of members teaching members.

  • Teacher Centers

    Highlighting the structure and governance of Teacher Centers in New York state, and emphasizing NYSUT's commitment to Teacher Centers as important providers of professional development services.
  • Interested in National Board Certification?

    NBPTS offers 25 certificates that cover a variety of subject areas and student developmental levels.

  • Job Search

    The NYSUT Career Center provides access to a wide variety of education related employment resources and jobs searches.

Related to Professional Development

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Community Schools
December 13, 2023
Author: Melinda Person, NYSUT President
Source: NYSUT Legislative and Political Dept.
poverty hearing
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