September 30, 2024

NYSUT Kicks Off Statewide Common Ground Over Chaos Bus Tour

Author: Kara Smith
Source:  NYSUT Communications
Common Ground Over Chaos Bus Tour
Caption: Melinda Person, NYSUT president, speaks at the launch of the Common Ground Over Chaos bus tour at NYSUT headquarters.

NYSUT’s Common Ground Over Chaos bus tour kicked off at union headquarters with a big yellow bus, a crowd of cheering supporters and a roster of lawmakers who pledged to work across the aisle to find legislative solutions that benefit all Americans.

“We’ve planned over 40 stops across the state for a mission that could not be more important,” said NYSUT President Melinda Person, noting that as extremism and chaos take the place of healthy debate, Americans have grown increasingly polarized. “As educators we model civility and cooperation in the classroom and that’s the example we’re asking for in our political leaders and what this tour is all about.

“Our educators are leading the way by showing students how to engage in civil discussions. They demonstrate the care and decorum we want to see in our neighborhoods,” Person said. “We are asking politicians to follow this example, rise above divisive rhetoric, and demonstrate the same civility, respect and collaboration we see in New York’s public schools every day.” 

The importance of the campaign wasn’t lost on Mike Silvestri, Schenectady Federation of Teachers president. “There’s nothing more important as an educator and social studies teacher than to make sure we have political discourse that gets to the root of issues and doesn’t just create division,” he said. “If we’re not solving problems, then we’re just creating more problems.”

Seth Cohen, a Troy Teachers Association retiree and president of the Capital District Area Labor Federation, was one of scores of NYSUT retirees on hand for the launch. “This is a great campaign to show our students and community that education is about pulling people together, not tearing them apart,” said Cohen, noting that CDALF will be out in force during the bus tour, with member unions showing their support.

Attending lawmakers included State Senator Jim Tedisco; assemblymembers Pat Fahy and Angelo Santabarbara; candidates for Assembly Gabriella Romero and Chloe Pierce; and U.S. Rep. Paul Tonko. All signed NYSUT’s official Common Ground Over Chaos pledge.