Opt-Out: Know Your Rights

Parents and teachers continue to raise questions about students opting out of standardized tests. To help answer these questions, we have updated our fact sheets for parents and teachers on test refusals. NYSUT fully supports parents and their right to choose what is best for their children - including NYSUT members who decide as parents to opt their child out of state tests. UPDATE: March 2023.

  • Opt-Out: Guidance for Parents

    NYSUT fully supports parents' rights to choose what is best for their children - including NYSUT members who decide as parents to opt their child out of state tests. Update: March 2023.

  • Opt-Out: Guidance for Educators

    This NYSUT fact sheet attempts to clear up any misinformation teachers may hear by reviewing the federal requirements for participation in the state assessments and potential consequences of opting-out for districts, students and teachers. Update: March 2023.

  • Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

    This Fact Sheet provides an overview of the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and its impact on schools in New York State.

Related to Opt-Out: Know Your Rights

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Community Schools
December 13, 2023
Author: Melinda Person, NYSUT President
Source: NYSUT Legislative and Political Dept.
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