The first tenure laws are enacted for New York City teachers.
Law is expanded to cover Union Free School Districts.
Law is amended to extend some basic due process rights to virtually all public school teachers, but administrators could still bring tenured teachers up on a catch-all charge of "conduct unbecoming a teacher'' and turn the matter over to a school board hearing panel.
Law is amended to replace partisan school board hearing panels with independent panels selected by district and teacher.
1980 Legislature extends tenure protection to those employed by any school district with fewer than eight teachers.
Law is strengthened to give panels power to issue binding decision. Prior to this law, more than 70 percent of tenure panel decisions were overturned by the school board.
Legislature approves NYSUT-recommended changes to provide fairer and faster disciplinary process. Includes provisions for discovery hearings; for complete disclosure of penalties sought by school boards; and to give hearing officer fairer choice of penalties.
Law is amended to provide for the automatic loss of one's teaching license and employment as a teacher (whether tenured or not), without a 3020-a hearing, based upon the conviction or plea of guilty to certain sex offenses.
Law is amended to provide that all teachers, including tenured teachers, must be evaluated annually. Any teacher who receives two consecutive ratings of "ineffective" could be subject to expedited 3020-a charges.
Process for disciplining tenured teachers is streamlined. A 3020-a case hearing may take no longer than 125 days after charges are filed; a decision must be made within 30 days after the hearing concludes. Proceedings must be completed (from the bringing of charges to final decision) within 155 days.