Online Seminars for School Related Professionals:
Seminar: Recognizing and Managing Conflict
Conflicts are normal and unavoidable occurrences in our everyday lives. Most of these are minor and easily resolved. Participants will learn how to handle minor conflicts that may occur with colleagues, supervisors and students, and identify ways to defuse these situations before they escalate and get out of hand. Seminar will explore components of conflict resolution and key factors to be considered in dealing with conflicts, understanding anger, and strategies for managing and resolving conflicts will be explored.
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Seminar: Poverty and Its Effect on Learning - Section 1
According to recent statistics, 51% of our nation’s children now live in poverty and the number appears to be growing. In New York State, about one in five children lives below the traditional measure of poverty and about half of those children live in extreme poverty. This seminar will explore the implications of poverty and socioeconomic issues on our students. Participants will examine the importance of building relationships and a sense of community within schools as well as creating a school environment that effectively engages students from low socioeconomic status as a way to combat poverty.
This seminar can be used to meet CTLE hours.
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Seminar: Disability Awareness - Section 1
School-related professionals (SRP) play an important role with students with disabilities whether it is in the special education classroom, on the bus, in the cafeteria, on the playground, etc. They may work closely with one student with severe disabilities or multiple students with less severe disabilities. Therefore, it is important that all SRPs have a general understanding of The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), characteristics of disabilities, and key concepts related to the education of students with disabilities. Through this program, participants will refine their skills and knowledge by experiencing what it is like to have a disability and then applying this information as they identify strategies to improve student learning and behavior specific to the students they support.
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Seminar: Supporting Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
School-Related Professionals (SRPs) often work in a 1:1 situation or in a classroom with students classified with Autism Spectrum Disorder. This seminar will provide up-to-date information on the clinical and associated features of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
You will learn evidence-based, pro-active strategies for helping children and adolescents with ASD succeed in schools today. Our goal of ending the achievement gap between students with and without disabilities requires understanding and addressing the essential factors that can influence their success.
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Seminar: Our World, Our Students
NYSUT is proud to announce the fourth addition to our rapidly expanding offering of SRP online seminars: Our World, Our Students.
This seminar examines the complexity of working with diverse student populations and how our own biases can prevent us from understanding students. This online format allows busy members, whether a morning person or a night owl, to complete the requirements at their own pace within a 30 day period. Once you register on the website, you will be partnered with a specially trained SRP facilitator who will work one-on-one with you.
The content-based seminar includes reading information on the topic, watching pertinent videos, and responding to reflections that your facilitator will review, grade and provide feedback on. This workshop is appropriate for all SRP job titles.
All the online seminars provided by ELT can be used by Teaching Assistants to fulfill Continuing Teacher & Leader Education (CTLE) requirements as NYSUT ELT is an approved provider. Our World, Our Students meets the C.R. Part 154/CTLE Language Acquisition requirement.
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Seminar: Bully, Bullied or Bystander
NYSUT is proud to announce the second in the series of online seminars for School-Related Professional members.
Bully, Bullied or Bystander is a 3-hour seminar that will help you understand what bullying is and will offer strategies to help you respond more effectively to students, whether they are the bully, the one being bullied or a bystander. The content is based on the Dignity for All Students Act (DASA)
The seminar is available for only $25.
The online format will help SRP members get the professional development they need right at home, at their own time and convenience, and at their own pace.
Once registered, the member is paired with a trained SRP facilitator for support in completing the seminar.
This seminar is open to all NYSUT SRP members.
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Questions? Call NYSUT ELT at 800-528-6208
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Seminar: Dealing with Difficult Behaviors
NYSUT has announced its first online seminar for School-Related Professional members.
"Dealing with Difficult Behaviors" is a 3-hour seminar offering strategies to help when dealing with students who exhibit chronic misbehaviors.
The seminar is available for only $25.
The online format will help SRP members get the professional development they need right at home, at their own time and convenience, and at their own pace.
Once registered, the member is paired with a trained SRP facilitator for support in completing the seminar.
This seminar is open to all NYSUT SRP members.
To register go to
Questions? Call NYSUT ELT at 800-528-6208.
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