At press time, much planning was being done behind-the-scenes for the battle ahead this budget season.
Here's how you can take action now and keep informed of upcoming events and campaigns.

State Budget 2015
Regional forums
Watch the MAC - and - for details about an event coming up in your region this month.
Attend the forum in your area, bring friends, family and people who support public schools.
There's an app for that
Use the MAC's new mobile app that generates text alerts about upcoming actions.
Text alerts
Simply text the word "NYSUT" to 38470.
Hash it out
Use the #AllKidsNeed hashtag on social media and #InviteCuomo and your local legislators to attend your event. You can also ping the governor directly by including his Twitter handle @NYGovCuomo in your message. This is our chance to show the governor and Legislature what the needs of New York schools really are. Then keep the conversation going, using every opportunity and tool you have.
"We will do this, but we must do it together," said NYSUT Executive Vice President Andy Pallotta said.