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June 14, 2012

Mrs. Cook & Mrs. Borst

Author: NYSUT Communications

Throughout the year, students from Mrs. Cook and Mrs. Borst’s 4th grade class at Riverhead Charter School participated in the Open Spaces Stewardship Program {OSSP} through Brookhaven Lab. This program encourages students to perform environmental research on properties in their community. The students’ hard work was recognized at the OSSP Celebration at Brookhaven Lab on June 7th.

Caitlynn DeFio, Jaisa Greenberg, Kyona Love, Claudia Najmula, and Sean Skelly proudly presented their work in front of an audience, explaining the purpose of their project and all they learned throughout the year. After their presentation, students answered questions from the audience and displayed their work, including a large-scale map of our campus, nature journals, and stories they published about animals they researched.

The night culminated with an award ceremony where Dr. Melvin Morris from the Office of Educational Programs at Brookhaven Lab and Mark Lesko, Supervisor of the Town of Brookhaven, congratulated the participants on their accomplishments. Mrs. Cook and Mrs. Borst accepted two awards recognizing their participation in the Program.

The families and teachers of these students are extremely proud of their accomplishment!

(Jennifer Cook and Jennifer Borst are members of Riverhead Charter School Teachers Association)