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September 26, 2011

Michaela Muench

Author: NYSUT Communications

At Canastota High School, it was noticed that we had a need for school related funding for our district students. Prom tickets, sneakers for sports activities, Senior trip costs, SAT charges, cosmetology kits etc. were too big an expense for parents so we decided to help.

The Canastota Student Scholarship was started about four years ago. By returning cans and bottles, running dances and concessions, holding raffles, and sponsoring an annual Talent Show we make about $4000.00 a year for the fund.

We have no paid staff; just caring teachers, administrators and support staff.

Students complete an application of need and a parent or guardian must sign it. Money is never given to the students but is transferred from one account to another. We have a wonderful Student Activity Treasurer (Ann H.) who assists with all the money issues.

Our staff members donate raffle supplies, time, talent, energy and their precious caring!!

We are proud of our work, and in these tough times, this could work at any school.

(Michaela Muench is a member of Canastota Teachers Association)