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March 18, 2014

Loss of pet becomes a chance to help

Author: NYSUT Communications

By Mary Masterson

Each year, thousands of animals — some the victims of intentional cruelty, others the victims of accidental suffering — end up in shelters in desperate need of healing and care. Volunteers like Kyrstin Stehle of the Hicksville Congress of Teachers provide that much-needed love and attention, giving countless animals a second chance at life. Kyrstin, who has worked for the past 16 years as an ESL teacher at East Street Elementary School, loves children, enjoys languages (she speaks Spanish and French fluently) and is committed to helping animals in need at the Hempstead Town Animal Shelter in Wantagh.

After Kyrstin and her husband Walter lost their 6½-year-old bullmastiff, Shea, to cancer, they donated her medication to a shelter in Freeport and learned about the need for volunteers. In September 2012, Kyrstin filled out an application to volunteer at the shelter in Wantagh. After a one-on-one interview with a volunteer coordinator during which Kyrstin’s personal goals for helping were discussed, she was accepted into the program as one of 80 volunteers, attended an orientation and was assigned a mentor to train and assist her in working with the animals.

Kyrstin and Walter now volunteer every weekend and on Wednesday nights. Many of the dogs have “stranger issues” and are fearful of people. Kyrstin sometimes wears different types of uniforms or outfits with hoods and may even use props such as wheelchairs or crutches while interacting with the dogs who are then rewarded if they react in a positive way. These behavior modifications are used to make the animals more adoptable. Kyrstin also worked with the shelter’s head trainer in “buddy classes” and has learned to teach dogs the basic commands in order to get them acclimated to living in a home.

In her classroom, Kyrstin often talks of her love of animals with her students. She models writing personal narratives for her students following the Teachers College Writing Program by using her experiences at the shelter as examples.

“My students see my photographs of the animals and use them as a springboard for their writing activities,” she explains. “I believe that it’s important to give back to one’s community. Service learning plays an important role in our schools, and it’s gratifying to see my students inspired to express their wish to volunteer at an animal shelter once they turn 18!”

When asked what she’d like people in the community to do to help, Kyrstin repeated her motto: “Adopt, Don’t Shop! There are amazing dogs and cats who really deserve to be in homes. I can say that because I know the animals. Please get involved!”

The Hicksville Congress of Teachers supports Kyrstin, who is a member of the union’s Board of Directors, by holding an “Animal Shelter Supplies Drive.”

“There’s a feeling of satisfaction and pride every time an animal that I’ve worked with is adopted. Although there is a bittersweet element in saying goodbye to ‘friends’ that get adopted, knowing that they’ll now have a home with a loving family and be given the life that every animal deserves brings sheer joy to my heart,” Kyrstin.

Meanwhile, the Stehles are more than shelter volunteers: Shelter dog Lila, an American Staffordshire terrier, has recently found her forever home with Kyrstin and Walter.

For more about the shelter and to find out how you can help, go to www.townofhempstead.org/animal-shelter or call them at (516) 785-5220.