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June 21, 2012

Kim Holtz

Author: NYSUT Communications

Kim Holtz, a Hicksville High School Special Education teacher has worked in the District for seven years. Formerly an integral part of Dutch Lane’s Education Pre-K program, which serviced students from all over Nassau County, Kim currently works in the Integrated Co-Teaching Model for 9th grade English students. This year Kim volunteered to be the Hicksville Congress of Teachers’ Liaison to SEPTA (Special Education Parent Teachers Association), which meets the last Monday of every other month at 7 PM in the High School. Ms. Holtz’s goal is to strengthen the lines of communication between the teachers and parents of the children in Hicksville’s Special Education Program.

Ms. Holtz was particularly impressed with how SEPTA President, Brenda Judson coordinates speakers to come and address concerns of parents of special needs students, including Proactive and Positive communications between parents and the school district, and Estate planning for special needs families.

SEPTA hosted an inspiring awards ceremony on May 16, 2012 at Hicksville High School. Teachers across the District from the Kindergarten level through the 12th grade were invited to nominate their special education students who strove for success in meeting their personal best. Students were presented with awards and gift cards from SEPTA.

Next year, Ms. Holtz will continue in her role as Liaison, happy to be a part of this important organization and hoping to continue to be a valuable resource to the parents.

(Kim Holtz is a member of Hicksville Congress of Teachers)