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June 21, 2013

Hicksville teachers “treat” their students to something “sweet!”

Author: NYSUT Communications

HCT Treasurer Peggy Guintini gives an ice cream cone to her 2nd grade student, Robin Zhong.

The Hicksville Congress of Teachers hosted its second annual “Ice Cream Social” for the district’s students last month. Every student in the Hicksville School District was given a flyer by their classroom teachers, which entitled them to a free ice cream cone from Friendly’s. The HCT wanted to congratulate our elementary, middle, and high school students for working so hard in preparing for their end-of-year tests. Thirty-one teachers volunteered their time after school to attend the social, greet the students, meet the parents, roll up their sleeves, put on an apron and get to work behind the counter, scooping out the yummy treats!

HCT member Grace Vangi-Delise serves Matthew Miller and Teresa Jennings while HCT President Joan Deem looks on.

The teachers are so proud of their students and wanted to, in a small way, encourage and reward all of their hard efforts and bring smiles to their faces. HCT President Joan Deem explains, “We chose to patronize a local business in our community because our Hicksville community means a lot to our teachers.”

(Submitted by Mary Masterson of Hicksville CT)