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June 25, 2012

Hicksville teachers rock the house

Author: NYSUT Communications

Seven teachers from Hicksville performed with their bands in a 2 ½ hour concert at the high school’s auditorium to an enthusiastic crowd of their students and colleagues. A few administrators and students were invited to perform with the bands as well. The goal of this endeavor was to raise money and awareness for an international charity, Embrace Global, that helps babies born prematurely. Proceeds of ticket sales totaled over $1000.

Artie Mediate, an English teacher in the District for 15 years, drummer and vocalist for his band, Rage and the Comets, feels that, “Raising awareness and money for a worthwhile cause is always great to do but the way the money was raised will have lasting effects. Teachers, administrators and students coming together to put on a concert is the definition of community. The more events that bring all facets of the District together, the more we become a community and the more we can accomplish in all areas of school and life.” Sanjay Paranandi (Guidance Counselor) played bass, Andrew Lichtenthal (Science teacher) was a vocalist, John Walsh (Technology teacher) played guitar/ key board and Roger Eisenhardt (Social Studies teacher) played the drums. Over 17 songs were played including, “Don’t Stop Believing” from Journey, “Welcome to Paradise” from Green Day, “Enter Sandman” from Metallica and “Mr. Brightside” from The Killers.

The other band, MoBStrip, featuring Jason Stanton (Social Studies teacher and Helping Hands Club mentor) on bass and Michael Caruso (Fine Arts/Music teacher) on drums fused together Hip Hop and Rock while maintaining the greatness of both genres. Progressive in both style and sound, the band’s ability to move from giant rock choruses in songs like “Money” to heartfelt classic hip hop in songs like “Hip Hop Blues” shows that this band does it all.

The Hicksville Congress of Teachers supported the event by donating the funds necessary to secure a professional sound engineer for the concert. The sound technician provided a big, bold, balanced sound that rivaled a professional concert. The HCT is proud of its members who devoted hours upon hours of their own time to organize/ rehearse for this event. The HCT always encourages its members to fully support District initiatives in keeping with our quest to be positive role models for our students.


(Artie Mediate, Sanjay Paranandi, Andrew Lichtenthal, John Walsh, Roger Eisenhardt, Jason Stanton and Michael Caruso are members of Hicksville Teachers Association)