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February 21, 2012

Hicksville Teacher’s “Heart”–Warming Effort to “Go Red for Women”

Author: NYSUT Communications

Susan Tillwitz, second grade teacher at Dutch Lane Elementary School coordinated “Heart–Healthy Awareness Day” at her school to make everyone conscious of the American Heart Association’s mission to raise crucial awareness in the fight against heart disease. In honor of National Wear Red Day, which was Friday, February 3, 2012, the children and staff alike wore red to school, assembled in the gymnasium, and formed a giant red heart as a statement of support of healthy heart awareness for everyone. Teachers are happy to see that their students are making wiser, heart – healthy snack choices and have enjoyed learning all about the human heart and circulatory system.

Members of the Hicksville Congress of Teachers as well as other staff members made donations to the American Heart Association’s “Go Red for Women Research”, which will be used to fund education and community programs to help learn about and lower their risk of heart disease.

(Susan is member of the Hicksville Congress of Teachers)