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July 15, 2015

Talent for the Troops extravaganza raises money for the Wounded Warrior Project

Author: NYSUT Communications

Members of the Hicksville Congress of Teachers joined together to produce their first Talent for the Troops extravaganza to raise money for the Wounded Warrior Project. Teachers throughout the district performed in this talent show, delighting their colleagues and their students who filled the Hicksville High School auditorium to capacity. The program opened with the national anthem sung by Nassau County Legislator Laura M. Schaefer. Hicksville CT members displayed their talents with performances that included a classical music selection from four orchestra teachers, a sign language rendition of “We Are the Champions”, and a lip syncing and dance routine by the teachers of the Old Country Road School to the song “Soldier Boy.” Other teachers displayed their remarkable vocal talents, and the band Rage & the Comets brought down the house, inspiring members of the audience to get up and dance.

More than $10,000 was raised through the sale of admission tickets and raffle tickets. The Hicksville Congress of Teachers, through their local action project, donated one of the grand prizes, a PlayStation 4. The HCT also provided the funding for a professional sound engineer for the concert. All proceeds were donated to the Wounded Warrior Project, a nonprofit organization offering programs, service and events for wounded military veterans. For more information on the Wounded Warrior Project, including ways that you can give back to our service men and women and their familes, visit: http://www.woundedwarriorproject.org/.

(Submitted by Mary Masterson, member of the Hicksville Congress of Teachers)