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August 02, 2011

"Giving back" in gratitude for caring teachers who helped her son

Author: NYSUT Communications

Beth Greenspan embraced teaching, as she likes to say, "later in life," embarking on an education career in gratitude for the ways public education had benefited her son. A member of the United Federation of Teachers in New York City, Beth is a collaborative special education teacher in Queens who taught fourth grade in 2011-12, and expects to be teaching fifth grade in 2011-12.

"I went back to school later in life to become a special education teacher," she says. "I am a single mother with two children, one in college and one soon to be in college. I became a special education teacher to give back to a system that helped my son, who is learning disabled and doing very well academically."

While Beth wishes she could streamline "all the paperwork" that goes along with teaching,  she is dedicated to her avocation. "I enjoy teaching ... and am really enjoying taking professional development classes to become a more knowledgeable teacher."