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4221 - 4230 of 6936
April 17, 2013
Source: NYSUT Communications
rally june 8 in albany for public education
It's time to raise all our voices in unison to support public education. Educators, parents, students and community members will have the opportunity to speak as one on Saturday, June 8, at the Capitol in Albany.
Testing/Assessments & Learning Standards
April 17, 2013
Author: Richard Iannuzzi
Source: WAMC Public Radio
"This week, in classrooms across the state, hundreds of thousands of elementary and middle school students are taking standardized tests – the first tests given by the State Education Department based on the new Common Core learning standards," says NYSUT President Dick Iannuzzi.
April 16, 2013
Seeing so much need in her home country of Afghanistan, Shabana Basij-Rasikh was undecided in choosing her studies at boarding school and college here in America, where she came at age 15.
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