Union Victories

union victories

Together we’re fighting for our schools, our students, our members and our communities. And we’re winning!

The stories linked on this page reflect on how NYSUT is winning the day, thanks to your ongoing efforts and our collective union power!

Greece coalition helps elect pro-education school board candidates

Greece coalition helps elect pro-education school board candidates

Two NYSUT locals harnessed the power of solidarity to help elect three pro-union, pro-education school board candidates in the May elections in Greece this year.
End of legislative session brings big wins for union-backed initiatives

End of legislative session brings big wins for union-backed initiatives

The month of June means high school graduation, warmer weather and the end of the New York state legislative session. This year, the Senate and Assembly passed a flurry of bills that NYSUT activists and staffers fought hard for. Attention now shifts to Gov. Kathy Hochul’s office to encourage her to sign those bills into law.
Duanesburg local secures board, budget wins through community engagement

Duanesburg local secures board, budget wins through community engagement

In the Duanesburg Central School District, 2022 was a contentious year. Two anti-teacher and anti-public education community members were elected to the Board of Education and, even though they were in the minority, tried to change the culture of the schools. Talk of freezing teacher pay, ignoring contracts and eliminating administrator stability permeated board meetings.
cayuga community college

Cayuga Community College ratifies first part-time faculty contract since its formation in 2014

After nine years of protracted negotiations, the newly formed Cayuga Community College Part Time Faculty Association has ratified its first contract. “It’s been a long time coming, but we finally have a contract,” said Carolyn Stevenson, president of the CCCPTFA.
brentwood gotv

Long Island local unions achieve big wins in May votes

Two NYSUT locals chalked up big school budget and school board wins in Suffolk County on Long Island this May.

Projections show voters pass 99 percent of school budgets; elect 85% of union-backed candidates in vote of confidence for public schools

New York voters delivered a strong vote of confidence in their public schools, with 99 percent of school district budgets projected to pass in Tuesday’s voting, according to preliminary results compiled today by New York State United Teachers
budget statement

Union notches big state budget wins

After weeks of NYSUT advocacy, the enacted 2023–24 state budget is a done deal. Although negotiations lasted late into the night, the state Legislature approved a $229 billion spending plan that represents a .88 percent increase over the executive budget and a 4.1 percent increase over last year’s budget.
mulgrew person weingarten

NYSUT joins Gov. Hochul, education advocates for major workforce development announcement

NYSUT President Melinda Person joined New York Governor Kathy Hochul at the Institute of Technology at Syracuse Central this week for the announcement of a significant investment to increase the pipeline of students interested in the semiconductor industry and high-tech manufacturing.
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