Union Victories

union victories

Together we’re fighting for our schools, our students, our members and our communities. And we’re winning!

The stories linked on this page reflect on how NYSUT is winning the day, thanks to your ongoing efforts and our collective union power!

poughkeepsie rally

PPSTA can finally party

After working under the terms of an expired contract for more than six years, Poughkeepsie Public School Teachers Association ratified a new MOA with the district on Monday.

Statement from NYSUT President Melinda Person on PPSTA contract victory

"All of NYSUT is celebrating with Poughkeepsie Public School Teachers Association on their tentative new contract that will finally give them the working conditions and benefits they deserve," said NYSUT President Melinda Person.
Homer TA negotiating team

Homer TA contract scores pay raises, maternity leave improvements

Homer Teachers Association members notched a big contract win earlier this year, negotiating long-sought maternity language, new stipends for coaching and advisory positions and healthy salary increases. Local leaders credit strong union solidarity, open communication and a positive labor/management relationship with the achievement.
labor day parade

Celebrating workers’ rights at Labor Day events

"This Labor Day is happening amid a surge of worker-driven activity across our nation. Building on the bravery and tenacity of union siblings who came before them, working people from autoworkers to actors, writers, care workers — and, of course, educators — are seizing their collective power."
bill signing

SRPs celebrate Workplace Violence Prevention Act expansion

“It’s about accountability and understanding of what teaching assistants and School-Related Professionals do every day,” said Syracuse teaching assistant Mark Warner, explaining that forcing districts to step up and take responsibility for staff safety is vital. The approval also underscores the power of the union for newer members. “It shows that yes we’re having problems, but the union is doing something about it.”
back to school

NYSUT supports signing of back-to-school legislation to invest in educators, school safety

Today New York State United Teachers President Melinda Person joined Gov. Kathy Hochul as she signed into law bills in support of public schools, capping off years of NYSUT advocacy on behalf of students and educators. These three victories will strengthen New York schools as places where children and staff can thrive, and position education professions as enticing, sustainable career choices.

'Thoughts on this Labor Day.' By NYSUT President Melinda Person.

"This Labor Day is happening amid a surge of worker-driven activity across our nation. Building on the bravery and tenacity of union siblings who came before them, working people from autoworkers to actors, writers, care workers — and, of course, educators — are seizing their collective power."
schenectady srps

From layoffs to contract wins, Schenectady SRPs make progress

“I’m feeling amazing – it’s the best deal I’ve seen,” said Schenectady Federation of Teachers Paraprofessional Unit Vice President Tracy Cimino. “I’m thrilled with what we were able to gain for our members.”
Commack Security Guards

Commack security guards affiliate with NYSUT

After reaching out to the Teamsters, Communications Workers of America and NYSUT, the group settled on the statewide union since “they work in schools and are more in line with what we do,” said McFadzen noting that like educators, the guards’ chief concern is the well-being of students. “Teaching and security go hand-in-hand when it comes to kids.”
gotv rochester

NYSUT-supported candidates win in June primaries

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again. When NYSUT fights, we win. In late June several NYSUT-backed candidates won primary election campaigns statewide.
Mary Beth Flatley

Schalmont local wins their best all-around deal in decades

With a 10.6 percent raise over four years on top of the yearly step increase, and no health care concessions, Schalmont Teachers’ Association President Mary Beth Flatley says it’s their best across-the-board win since 1998.

Teacher, district coalitions see successes in school budget revotes

Following the statewide school budget votes in May, which by and large saw outstanding successes with 99% of budgets passed, 85% of pro-education, pro-student, endorsed candidates winning and 75 NYSUT members elected or re-elected to school boards, ten districts still had to face voters again after their budgets were defeated.
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