School Finance
September 12, 2019

Consumer Price Index August 2019

Source: NYSUT Research and Educational Services

The United States City Average Consumer Price Index (CPI-U) for August 2019 was 256.558 — representing a change of 1.7 percent over the index for August 2018.

The Northeast Area Consumer Price Index for August 2019 was 270.548 — representing a change of 1.5 percent over the index for August 2018.

The New York-Northern New Jersey Area Consumer Price Index for August 2019 was 279.428 — representing a change of 1.8 percent over the index for August 2018.

The September 2019 CPI will be available October 10, 2019.

Future projections of the CPI by businesses and economic organizations are found in the complete document. CPI increases are projected at 1.8 percent for 2019 and 2.1 percent for 2020.

Released on September 12, 2019