May 14, 2013

Common Core anchor lessons

Source: NYSUT Research and Educational Services

nysut vice president maria neira common core intro video

[View NYSUT Vice President Maria Neira's video introduction to the Common Core website]

NYSUT supports the common core standards as they are deeper, clearer, and if implemented appropriately, they have the potential to improve student learning.  Educators across NYS have made it clear that additional resources are required to make the implementation of the common core standards a success.  NYSUT has developed this site as a starting point for common core resources, to assist members in identifying and organizing potential resources.

NYSUT's Subject Area Committee members have developed the common core anchor lessons found on this site.  These practitioners benefited from participation in multiple professional development opportunities and met as a group on several occasions to develop these lessons.  The lessons were evaluated using the Tri-State Rubric advocated by the NYS Education Department.

The lessons cover multiple grade levels and subject areas in addition to the most often-referenced areas of mathematics and English Language Arts, including: Social Studies, Family & Consumer Science, Foreign Languages, Special Education, Science, and Literacy at the kindergarten level.

These lessons and accompanying video clips are intended to be used as templates for CCLS lessons and as a reference point for discussions concerning implementation of the common core standards.  The videos capture key points of the development process including where the lesson creators began, the struggles they encountered, and the ultimate successes they enjoyed.  They provide authentic feedback on what worked and what did not.

This web site also includes additional resources for members and each resource is accompanied by a brief explanation of what it is and why it was included on this site.

Kindergarten, ELA Lesson 

No, No Titus, by Claire Masurel

Andy Palumbo, Kindergarten, Jamesville-Dewitt

Social Studies, Middle or High School Lesson

American History | Progressive Era | Reformers

Jennifer Allard, 8th grade social studies, New Lebannon

Additional Common Core Resource

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