The Speak Truth to Power curriculum introduces general human rights issues through the stories of some remarkable people working in the field, and urges students to become personally involved in the protection of human rights.
Human rights refer to violations as defined by international law. It is important that students have a clear idea about what is a human rights violation under the rule of law.
So what does Speak Truth to Power mean? Does it mean speaking truth to those in power or does it mean that speaking truth has power? The answer depends on how you and your students engage with this curriculum and the actions taken as a result. In reality, when truth is informed by sound learning it has power and those who are informed understand their obligation to speak truth to those in power.
This curriculum provides an overview of human rights and social justice issues in the United States and around the world. Using the Toolkit for Action, your students and the broader public will have the resources needed to address issues at the local, national and global levels.
The Speak Truth to Power curriculum was produced by NYSUT in partnership with the RFK Center for Human Rights.

U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand and RFK Center President Kennedy stand with NYSUT President Dick Iannuzzi and members of the Speak Truth to Power curriculum committee. Photo by Andrew Watson.