Generations of NYSUT members have fought for and won rights, benefits and a voice in the workplace. Our decades-long fight has paid off and made our union one of the most powerful unions in our nation. From school boards to the halls of power in Albany and Washington, D.C., our voice is heard and respected.
Despite our victories, in a time when union values are under unrelenting assault, we can’t be complacent.
“As a new generation joins our ranks, it’s more important than ever that they understand the benefits that previous generations have won for them and that the struggle is ongoing. It’s equally important that they learn about the services our union provides to support their lives and careers. From their first day, every new member must feel that they are supported, appreciated, and an essential contributor to the union cause,” says NYSUT President Andy Pallotta.
It’s with this critical, trans-generational challenge at heart that we introduce Next Generation NYSUT — our new initiative focused on engaging new members, providing the professional support they need and communicating union value from their first day on the job.

We will reach out to our newest members to ensure that NYSUT is a fundamental part of their professional experience. This means a greater focus on digital communications, reaching new members through social media and other digital channels. It also means supporting NYSUT locals by offering more opportunities for them to be engaged with new members from their first day on the job.
Most importantly, it requires connecting new members with the union services that offer them the most value. Part of Next Generation NYSUT will be providing content that aligns with each new member’s interests and needs. From professional learning opportunities and certification support to activism; from union stories to discounts through our Member Benefits programs; we will deliver useful and engaging content to our new members.
Next Generation NYSUT is one initiative in the generations-long struggle to secure rights and benefits for our members. If you are a NYSUT member in your first five years on the job, visit to learn more about our union.
“If you are an experienced member, do everything you can to help your newer colleagues with the challenges they face early in their careers,” Pallotta said. “And encourage them to become active members of our union.”