Fraternity honors NYSUT officers

NYSUT President Andy Pallotta, left, and First Vice President/Secretary- Treasurer J. Philippe Abraham are honored by Alpha Phi Alpha during the NYS Association of Black and Puerto Rican Legislators caucus this winter. Photo by El-Wise Noisette.
WNY charter school union joins NYSUT
Educators at the Global Concepts Charter School in Lackawanna, seeking better pay and a voice in the day-to-day decisions that affect students and staff, have voted to unionize and affiliate with NYSUT.
The 99 teachers and other professionals at Global Concepts voted overwhelmingly last year to organize and form a union — the Global Concepts Charter School Teachers Association. The NYSUT Board approved the affiliation request in February.
"Like so many workers, educators at this charter see the value in joining together in a union to collectively seek higher wages, better health insurance and improved working conditions," said NYSUT President Andy Pallotta. "NYSUT is looking forward to being a partner with Global Concepts' educators — and the charter board — in improving conditions for teaching and learning, while also helping to stabilize operations at the school."
Global Concepts is the ninth charter school in Western New York to be affiliated with NYSUT, which represents about three dozen charters statewide. Negotiations for a first contract are already underway.
Educator's Voice seeks proposals

Do you have a project or practice that works well in your classroom? Here's an opportunity to write about it, and to become published in our member journal.
Educator's Voice is NYSUT's Journal of Best Practices in Education. Published annually, it is created by our members for our members. We are currently seeking article proposals for the 2019 edition, "Culturally Responsive Teaching: Celebrating Diversity in Our Schools." Go to for information on how to submit a proposal.
To view past editions and watch videos featuring published members, visit Watch upcoming issues of NYSUT United for information on the 2018 edition, "Family Engagement and Community Partnerships."