Carmel Teachers Association

For nearly three decades the Carmel Teachers Association, led by Lisa Jackson, has hosted a Thanksgiving luncheon for senior citizens in the community. This year, more than 100 guests dined at four schools in the district.
Carmel cafeteria staff (led by unit President Siobhan Trippodo) cooked a full Thanksgiving meal with all the trimmings. CTA members organize entertainment in all of the buildings. "It is such a wonderful way to kick off the holiday season," Jackson said. "We have made good friends with our guests and look forward to seeing them each year." The 1,100-member local, a 2000 graduate of NYSUT's Local Action Project, also gives seniors a gift each year. This year a CTA member hand painted holiday ornaments for each guest.
North Warren Teachers Association
North Warren Teachers Association members supported their school's 16th community dinner in November cooking and serving 400 free meals, said president Deanne Peters. The event was created by high school principal Theresa Andrew.
In the spring, the TA's 114 members host a pancake breakfast, which the union instituted after participating in NYSUT's Local Action Project 10 years ago. Organized by TA member Lori Korniak, teachers donate money, purchase food, and cook and cleanup. Attendees donate an item to help local food pantries replenish their stocks.
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Prepping the meal are, from left, teacher Eric Bott, community member Dorothy Nevins, educators Frank DeCrescenzo and David Parisi, North Warren resident Susan Therio, students Cristina Becerra and Manon Stevens, and teacher Rick Mahlstedt.

School nurses and New Hartford TA members, from left, Brittany Casale and Lynn Moretz wear red in support of a fair contract. Their local, led by President Debbie Dowling, has been without a contract since July 1, 2017. All 250 NHTA members reported to the first day of school wearing red and have worn red every Friday since. Photo from FACEBOOK.COM/NEWHARTFORDTA