New additions to our online publications catalog
Several brochures — free to members in limited quantities and/or to download — have been updated and added to our new online publications catalog at www.nysut.org/publications:
- 10 things to remember when preparing for a Parent- Teacher conference offers practical do's and don'ts from veteran educators, and information about the NYSUT Education & Learning Trust's two-hour session to help teachers plan for a productive parent-teacher conference.
- What you need to know about protecting yourself addresses the many situations where employees can become vulnerable. The guide offers suggestions about ways to ensure your professional and personal safety.
- What every NYSUT member should know is especially helpful for members who are new to the NYSUT family. Although much of the guide discusses issues pertaining to K-12 teachers, other members will find plenty of useful information. The guide is available only for download.
- Ensuring Success for English Language Learners: What Parents Should Know is a useful guide for parents. It explains the supports schools are required to provide to children who are learning English as a New Language. A Spanish language version is also available.
Planning a field trip? There might be a grant for you
The Connect Kids to Parks Field Trip Grant Program will refund up to $1,000 of field trip costs for student visits to a New York State park, nature center or historic site, or a Department of Environmental Conservation Environmental Education Center or fish hatchery. Pre-K-12 Title 1 schools and any public school in a district with a Title 1 school (including school-sponsored clubs), Advantage After School Programs, 21st Century Community Learning Centers, and youth bureaus in communities with Title 1 schools can apply. Each class or group is eligible for one transportation grant per academic year. For info, visit https://parks.ny.gov/environment/connect-kids/grant-program.aspx.
NYS marks centennial of women's suffrage
Women in New York State secured the right to vote in 1917, three years before the 19th amendment granted that right to women across the United States. The state marks its 100th anniversary of women's suffrage on Nov. 6. The milestone offers educators the opportunity to engage students in learning about the suffrage movement and exploring themes such as civic engagement, the democratic process and equal rights.
Information about centennial events across the state and other resources from the New York State Women's Suffrage Commission are available at www.ny.gov/programs/new-york-state-womens-suffrage-commission. You can also access information about women involved in the state's suffrage movement at the National Women's Hall of Fame website, www.womenofthehall.org. The hall of fame is located in Seneca Falls.
Free lessons on free speech
As protests by NFL players highlight, the right to free speech is a hotly debated topic, one many citizens might not fully understand. The Bill of Rights Institute, a nonprofit educational organization that develops educational resources and programs about our country's founding principles, offers a long list of free lessons for educators to use in the classroom. Visit www.billofrightsinstitute.org. The website also features a lot of other useful materials, including student essay contests, debate webinars and information about its Constitutional Academy and Leadership Symposium.
Nov. 6
100th anniversary of women's suffrage in New York State
Nov. 7
Election Day — Time to Vote NO! on a state constitutional convention
Nov. 11
Veterans Day
Nov. 13
American Education Week begins
Nov. 13–14
NYS Board of Regents meets, Albany
Nov. 17
Substitute Educators Day
Nov. 17–18
NYSUT Board of Directors meet, headquarters, Latham
Nov. 21
NYS SRP Recognition Day
Nov. 25
International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women
Dec. 1
World AIDS Day
Dec. 7
Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
Dec. 10
Human Rights Day
Dec. 11–12
NYS Board of Regents meets, Albany