Deer Park Teachers Association

In September, members of the Deer Park Teachers Association, led by President Bruce Sander, kicked off a friendly competition to spread the word about the importance of voting no on a state constitutional convention. Members in five different schools created eye-catching bulletin boards all about the Nov. 7 vote (above). The local launched an educational campaign last spring, Sander said. As for the competition, it was too close to call. Each participant received a coffee shop gift card.
Guilderland Teachers Association
Securing reliable, affordable child care should not be an obstacle to attending school open house. The Guilderland TA, led by Tara Molloy-Grocki, wanted to ensure as many parents as possible could participate in their school's "meet-the-teacher" nights. The local provided child care for families of elementary students on two evenings. GTA members and student volunteers from Guilderland High School staffed the events. More than 100 students participated. Each child received a GTA water bottle and pencil.
Rush-Henrietta Employees Association
Members of the Rush-Henrietta Employees Association distributed more than 500 bags of groceries and produce this summer.
Science teacher John Prouty started the Kicking Hunger project after graduating from the NYSUT Leadership Institute. A core group of members decided to tackle the problem of food insecurity during school breaks and over the summer, said Karen Arthmann, NYSUT SRP at-large Board member and RHEA Paraprofessional Unit president.
Members of the RHEA Teacher Chapter and the coalition unit, comprising four School-Related Professionals chapters, worked with the Rush- Henrietta Area Food Terminal and the Rush-Henrietta Rotary Club. The yearlong preparation paid off during distribution events in July and August. Educators also distributed new and gently used school supplies. More than 100 local families benefited.
"Knowing we could make a little difference in some people's lives was worth all the work," said Arthmann. For more info, visit
Catskill Teachers Association

From Memorial Day through Labor Day, visitors to the town and village of Catskill enjoyed about 50 decorated fiberglass felines. One of those cats came courtesy of the 159-member Catskill Teachers Association, led by President Bob Stinson, and art teacher Jennifer Allison. Allison's students decorated the CTA cat.
At the end of the art installation, the cats were auctioned; proceeds benefit area nonprofits, animal welfare and promoting the town. This year's auction raised nearly $40,000.
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