Starting July 1, a new state law requires all permanently or professionally certified teachers and Level III teaching assistants working in public schools or BOCES to register online with the State Education Department. Re-registration will be required every five years.
According to SED, once the system is up and running, you can register early. However, SED is encouraging people to wait until their birth month so that the TEACH system is not overwhelmed. Registration must be completed by the end of your birth month. There is no charge to register.
If you do not have a TEACH account, yet are required to register, you will need to create a TEACH account at www.highered.nysed.gov/tcert/teach/. There is NO cost to create a TEACH account or register. You cannot register on paper.
Retired or not working in a public school or BOCES? You do NOT need to register. If you want to substitute teach or work again in public schools, you should register. Note: The act of ‘registering’ has no bearing on your permanent certificate(s) — your certificate is still valid for life.
School guidance counselors, school psychologists and social workers are categorized as “Pupil Personnel” and are NOT impacted by this new requirement.
The law also includes new professional development requirements called Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE). Professionally certified teachers and Level III teaching assistants are required to complete 100 hours of state-approved CTLE professional development within each five-year registration cycle.
Teaching assistants with pre-2004 continuing certificates do NOT need to register with the State Education Department nor complete CTLE hours.
Professional development completed on or after July 1, 2016 but before your birth month will count as CTLE hours, SED says. However, CTLE hours cannot be carried over from one five-year registration period to another.
Certificate holders who must complete CTLE hours are now also required to maintain a record of their CTLE hours for three years after each five-year registration period.
NYSUT convinced SED to waive the assessment of late fees for the first five-year registration cycle as the new process is implemented. More information on the new regulations and a question form are posted at www.nysut.org/certification.
Source: NYSUT Research and Educational Services, 6/3/16
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