Unionists join locked-out members of United Auto Workers Local 1508 at a rally in June. The workers make brake pads at the Honeywell Aerospace factory in Green Island. They were locked out in May when the union rejected the company's latest offer, which would have hiked health insurance costs, frozen the pension plan and provided no cost-of-living increases.
Supporting the UAW members are, bottom photo:
From left, UUP members Michael Lyon, Upstate Medical University; Vincent Commisso, UAlbany; and Thomas Tucker, Buffalo Center.

From left, NYSUT Board member Tony McCann, RC 10; Tara Molloy-Grocki, Guilderland TA; and Bill Ritchie, Albany Public School TA retiree. Photos by Darryl McGrath.

After 45 days of the largest strike in recent history, nearly 40,000 CWA/IBEW members at Verizon emerged victorious. The unions agreed on a contract that will improve working families' standard of living and create good union jobs. They also achieved a first contract for wireless retail store workers. NYSUT members across the state, including in Valhalla, above, stood shoulder to shoulder with their brothers and sisters. Their presence on picket lines and contributions to the strike fund were immeasurable. Be the union! Photo by Kristy Leibowitz.

NYSUT members and students from Peekskill Middle School support farm workers on the March for Farm Worker Justice, an 18-day, 200-mile trek from Smithtown on Long Island to the Capitol in Albany. The march put a spotlight on the workers' fight for passage of the Farmworkers Fair Labor Practices Act. The bill would give farm workers access to basic workplace rights, including overtime pay, sick days, collective bargaining and a designated day off.

NYSUT President Karen E. Magee, bottom right, chair of the Capital Region Heart Walk, counts down to the start of the June 11 walk, which drew nearly 1,300 walkers — including many NYSUT members and staff — and raised almost half a million dollars for the American Heart Association. Photos by Marty Kerins Jr.

Cobleskill-Richmondville Teachers Association President Dawn Townsend tweeted the above photo of her members showing their support for the LGBTQ community in Orlando.