Give and receive treats this
Halloween by participating
in “Reverse Trick-or-Treating,” a NYSUT initiative to raise
awareness of the widespread use
of forced child labor on many cocoa
farms. The concept is simple: On
Halloween night, after receiving a
“treat,” offer a gift in return — a mini
Fair Trade chocolate bar, and a card
promoting the purchase of fairly
traded products.
“This program is a great opportunity
to bring social justice awareness
into the classroom, particularly with
regard to child labor,” said NYSUT
Vice President Paul Pecorale, explaining
that forced child labor is still
common in overseas cocoa production.
“We want to help students see
beyond their communities and realize
we’re all part of one world.”
How to order
Reverse Trick-or-Treating kits are
$6, plus shipping, for 20 Fair Trade
chocolate minis and informational
cards, or $45, plus shipping, for 150
chocolates and cards.
Email orders to
by Oct. 16 and type “Reverse TOT”
in the subject line. Kits should arrive
within 10 business days; supplies
are limited.
Let us know!
And remember: If you
participate, let us know! Share your
photos and videos at #NYSUTFT or
the NYSUT United Facebook page.
Click the image to download a sample trick-or-treat sheet (PDF).