June 2013 Issue
May 23, 2013

Freebies: Educating students about adolescent development

Source: NYSUT United
P & G web site

Entering adulthood

P&G School Programs offers a wide range of teaching materials to help educate students about adolescent development. The materials, which have been reviewed by the American Association for Health Educators, include two puberty programs: Always Changing (geared to fifth-grade students) and Being Girl Health and Wellness, for students in seventh grade. To order, visit www.pgschoolprograms.com/select_program.php. Only one order will be shipped per school; please coordinate with other educators in your building before ordering.

School's gone to the dogs

Here's an interesting find from the blogosphere. Mommy blog Royal Baloo features tons of education resources, including the Dog Kinder pack. The downloadable 60-page pack features color-by-addition, mazes, skip counting, writing practice, Sudoku and much more. The set is suitable for children ages 2-7. Visit royalbaloo.com/dog-pack for more information.

When learning = love

Developed by a high school student, Quizlet, a free, online learning tool, allows educators and students to create flashcard sets for studying and much more. With a host of fun study games, educators and students may choose from six different study modes, including flashcards, a spelling game and a game that tests speed and vocabulary. The site's mission: To make students love learning. For more information, and to sign up, visit www.quizlet.com.

Funny money

If your class has questions about money and monetary policy, the Federal Reserve System's publications catalog offers several comics. From coins to inflation to saving, these light and engaging stories show kids how our monetary system works. Up to 25 complimentary copies of most comics can be ordered online; others are available online or as a downloadable file. Visit www.newyorkfed.org/publications/result.cfm.

The "Freebies" column offers free opportunities for you and your students. We do not screen for subtle or not-so-subtle plugs.