NYSUT's journal of best practices in education, Educator's Voice, will be available mid-June for download at www.nysut.org/educatorsvoice. The topic of Volume VI is Common Core Learning Standards: Instructional shifts in English Language Arts and Literacy. In the volume, authors offer descriptions of their experience with implementing the shifts which accompany the state P-12 Common Core Learning Standards for ELA & Literacy.
Examples of topics include social justice research in high schools; high-quality professional development models; the use of poetry as a source of inspiration and engagement for learners, as well as the focus of a "close read;" and the importance of a shared school and district vision for English language learners during Standards implementation.
Authors offer practical strategies that can be used by a range of practitioners as they build their expertise with the instructional shifts. Become an author for the next volume of Educator's Voice: Promoting Social-Emotional Development and Physical Well-Being. Authors will share their approaches for addressing these critical areas of student development.
For a copy of the proposal submission form, visit www.nysut.org or contact edvoice@nysutmail.org. The due date for proposals has been extended to June 19.