October 25, 2024

Countdown to Election Day: Together, we're making a difference

Countdown to Election Day: Together, we're making a difference

To our members,

Election Day is less than two weeks away and, like many of you, I’m feeling a lot of different emotions.

There’s so much at stake: the future of public education, the power of organized labor to protect our jobs, our civil rights, reproductive rights, freedom of speech and so much more are on the ballot this year.

Meeting with members and candidates across New York has filled me with excitement, energy and hope. We have the historic opportunity to elect our nation’s first female president, and we are supporting a bipartisan slate of of pro-public education, pro-union candidates who will help us support our students, promote good union jobs and build stronger public schools and communities.


Despite the divisiveness of today’s political climate, I firmly believe that what unites us is greater than what divides us, and that civil discourse and collaboration are what the vast majority of Americans want from our elected leaders. Everyday in classrooms across New York, our members are leading the way by teaching students how to debate passionately, disagree respectfully, and come together to solve problems.


You are what inspired NYSUT’s Common Ground Over Chaos bus tour to remind those running for office that we need less finger-pointing and name-calling, and more willingness to work together to deliver results.

Throughout this tour, NYSUT members from every corner of our state have shared with me the unique needs in their schools: combating the youth mental health crisis; ending the over-reliance on high stakes standardized testing; and increasing funding to meet the increased needs placed on schools and educators. While the details may differ across districts, your message is the same: We need more support, we need it now and we need it consistently.

That is why it is more important than ever that you make your voice heard and vote for candidates who will be champions for educators in Washington and Albany.

Vote YES on Prop 1
What is Prop 1?
What is Prop 1?

And remember to flip your ballot and vote yes on Prop 1. As I’m sure you’ve seen, there’s a crazy amount of misinformation being spread about the amendment.

Let me be clear: regardless of what the opposition claims, Prop 1 is about protecting your rights.

Prop 1 protects reproductive healthcare options; helps women who are victims of domestic abuse hold their abusers accountable in court; and protects more New Yorkers against government discrimination.

I feel so proud of every single one of you who has gotten involved in this election season. Whether you taught civics education, knocked on doors, made phone calls or helped educate your community about our endorsed candidates — you are helping to make a difference.

Early voting begins tomorrow. Look up your NYSUT-endorsed slate of candidates and find your early voting location. Let’s win this for our students, our professions and our communities.

Melinda Person

Melinda Person, NYSUT President