May 06, 2024

NYSUT issues a round of 2024 endorsements

Source:  NYSUT Media Relations
NYSUT Endorsements

ALBANY — New York State United Teachers today released a slate of endorsements in races for state Senate and Assembly as well as a recommendation for Congress to be forwarded on to national affiliates, the American Federation of Teachers and National Education Association.

“We need representatives in the halls of power — from Albany to Washington — who will be voices for working-class families and strong public schools,” said NYSUT President Melinda Person. “NYSUT candidates fight to uplift educators, students and communities. They are fierce advocates for our union values and by supporting them, we are ensuring the great things happening in New York schools will continue long into the future.”

The full slate of new state legislative endorsements and congressional endorsement recommendations can be found below.

NYSUT-endorsed candidates receive grassroots support from NYSUT members, including phone banking, door knocking and literature distribution. The union also makes financial contributions from voluntary donations through VOTE-COPE, the union's non-partisan political action committee.

Congressional endorsement recommendation

Congressional District 1
John Avlon

Congressional District 22
John Mannion

State Senate endorsements

Senate District 6
Siela Bynoe

Senate District 11
Toby Ann Stavisky

Senate District 37
Shelley Mayer

Senate District 39
Yvette Valdés Smith*

Senate District 59
Kristen Gonzalez

State Assembly endorsements

Assembly District 1
Tommy John Schiavoni*

Assembly District 18
Noah Burroughs*

Assembly District 32
Vivian E. Cook

Assembly District 34
Jessica González-Rojas

Assembly District 35
Larinda Hooks

Assembly District 37
Johanna Carmona

Assembly District 40
Ron Kim

Assembly District 41
Kalman Yeger

Assembly District 50
Emily Gallagher

Assembly District 52
Jo Anne Simon

Assembly District 56
Stefani Zinerman

Assembly District 68
Eddie Gibbs

Assembly District 69
Micah Lasher

Assembly District 70
Jordan Wright

Assembly District 71
Al Taylor

Assembly District 72
Manny De Los Santos

Assembly District 77
Landon Dais

Assembly District 82
Michael Benedetto

Assembly District 84
Amanda Septimo

Assembly District 92
MaryJane Shimsky

Assembly District 103
Sarahana Shrestha

Assembly District 106
Didi Barrett

Assembly District 126
Ian Phillips

Assembly District 137
Demond Meeks

Assembly District 147
Mitch Martin

* indicates NYSUT member