May 20, 2024

Reminder: Vote on Tuesday, May 21

Source:  NYSUT Communications
GOTV May 21!

Annual school budget votes and school board elections will be held in most districts statewide on Tuesday, May 21. Members are encouraged to make sure to get out and vote YES. Get your friends, neighbors and family to vote yes as well.

We know the people who are against strong public schools will turn out to vote NO. We need to make sure we are turning up to vote YES.

Last year, working together helped 99 percent of school budgets pass and 85 percent of candidates endorsed by local teacher unions won spots on school boards, including 75 NYSUT members who were elected or re-elected to board positions. Together, we can make those results happen again!

What you and your fellow NYSUT members can do:

Many school board races hinge on just a handful of votes, so every vote matters.

When students thrive, communities across the state thrive. We’ve done a lot of work — and there is more left to be done — but by voting for strong local budgets and leaders who support and believe in public education, we can realize this vision together.