NYSUT's Women's History Month poster for 2024 celebrates Carolyn B. Maloney, who served as the U.S. Representative for
New York’s 14th and later 12th Congressional Districts
from 1993 to 2023.
A former New York City teacher
and administrator, Maloney was the first woman to
chair the House Joint Economic Committee and the
first woman to chair the House Committee on
Oversight and Reform.
As co-chair of the House Caucus on Women’s
Issues, she authored and helped enact
the Debbie Smith Act. Called one of the
nation’s most important anti-rape laws,
the law provided federal funding
to clear the backlog of rape kits.
Maloney also authored and
passed the 9/11 Health and
Compensation Act, saving
many lives.
Her other legislative initiatives include introducing
the Childcare Affordability Act, serving as the chief
House sponsor for the Equal Rights Amendment,
authoring and securing House passage of a bill
providing four weeks of paid parental leave
to federal employees and sponsoring the
Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act,
which guarantees counseling, legal
assistance and medical care for
campus victims of sexual assault.
In 2020, Maloney’s bill to establish
a Smithsonian American Women’s
History Museum on the National Mall
was approved and signed into law.
The free poster is available for download at nysut.org/publications.