August 16, 2024

NYSUT launches “Common Ground Over Chaos” election campaign Congressional candidates sign bipartisanship pledge

Author: Kara Smith
Source:  NYSUT Communications
Common Ground Over Chaos
Caption: NYSUT activists join congressional candidates Tom Suozzi (NY-03), Laura Gillen (NY-04) and John Avlon (NY-01) at the Nassau County Common Ground Over Chaos pledge signing.

They came, they pledged, they signed.

On Aug. 15, seven congressional candidates in competitive New York state races signed NYSUT’s “Common Ground Over Chaos” pledge, committing to working in a bipartisan manner to find practical solutions to the real-world needs and challenges of everyday Americans. Pledge events took place in Onondaga, Orange and Nassau counties. Signing the pledge were John Avlon (NY-01), Tom Suozzi (NY-03), Laura Gillen (NY-04), Mondaire Jones (NY-17), Pat Ryan (NY-18), Josh Riley (NY-19) and John Mannion (NY-22).

“NYSUT is thrilled to endorse House candidates in New York who have committed to returning Congress to a place where democracy, compromise and healthy debate are valued. … Across the political spectrum, our members agree that we need legislators who are willing to find common ground so that they can deliver results to improve the lives of working families,” said NYSUT President Melinda Person, noting that the seven are among 240 candidates to receive union endorsements or recommendations. NYSUT endorsed candidates for state Senate and Assembly races and forwarded federal recommendations to its national affiliates, the American Federation of Teachers and National Education Association.

“NYSUT is endorsing these candidates because they have committed to ending the stonewalling in Washington and are eager to roll up their sleeves and do the hard but vital work of bipartisan negotiations,” Person continued. “Rather than finger-pointing and name-calling, they will spend their time and energy on the issues that unite us all — strong public education, affordable healthcare, good jobs, and ensuring freedom and opportunity for all Americans.”

Lawmakers signed for a variety of reasons, from Mondaire Jones, running for NY District 17, who credits public education with lifting him out of poverty and into the halls of Congress, to Pat Ryan (NY-18) who considers the pledge essential, given the current dysfunctional nature of congress. Both signed at the Orange County event.

“This pledge presents a positive, alternative vision of what Congress can and should be,” said Ryan.

John Mannion (NY-22) echoed the sentiments at the Onondaga County event. “We've seen a deterioration of the truth, civility, and bipartisanship,” said Mannion, who joined fellow lawmaker Josh Riley (NY-19) in signing on. “We cannot achieve the American dream if we are not all pushing in the same direction.”

“We are all dedicated to the concept that there is so much more that unites us than divides us,” said Laura Gillen (NY-04), who signed on with fellow candidates John Avlon (NY-01) and Tom Suozzi (NY-03). “And that starts, we all know, with a really solid education.”

The signings kick off NYSUT’s Common Ground Over Chaos campaign, mobilizing thousands of members statewide to make calls and knock on doors on behalf of endorsed candidates in vital swing districts. “We need to turn the page on chaos and division and make sure we have leaders in place who know how to compromise without sacrificing values,” said NYSUT Board member Matt Haynes, Tri-Valley Teachers Association president. Haynes moderated the Orange County event with fellow NYSUT Board members Kim McEvoy, Anthony Nicodemo and Sparrow Tobin.


“Candidates have to be bipartisan because much like a marriage, it can't be one sided,” said NYSUT Board member and North Syracuse Education Association President John Kuryla, who moderated the Onondaga County event with fellow Board member Nicole Capsello. “The gridlock we have dealt with has been so detrimental and damaging to societies, to families, to our democracy.”

“Poverty, inflation, unemployment, low wages, pollution, food insecurity, access to healthcare, these aren’t partisan issues these are things we all face every day,” said NYSUT Board member Frederic Stark, Hewlett Woodmere Faculty Association. Stark moderated the Nassau County event with fellow Board members Ron Verderber and Greg Perles.

NYSUT-endorsed candidates receive grassroots support from NYSUT members. The union also makes financial contributions from voluntary donations through VOTE-COPE, the union’s non-partisan political action committee. Here is NYSUT's full endorsement list. 

To learn more about NYSUT’s Common Ground Over Chaos campaign, or to get involved, visit