November 04, 2020

Introducing the NYSUT COVID Tracker Website

Source:  NYSUT Communications
covid tracker

In these uncertain times, NYSUT members are doing what they do best: taking care of their students and contributing to our communities.

No matter where in the state you are or what your district's reopening plan is, everyone deserves to feel safe at work.

That's why we are pleased to announce the release of the NYSUT COVID Tracker website.

We encourage NYSUT members to report any unsafe working conditions they encounter in schools.

Click on the "Submit Report" button in the upper-right corner to send your report. Your report will be made public, but your identity will remain anonymous. Please help us to help you stay safe.

covid tracker

Our goal in collecting these reports is to address issues on the local level, so our members and students are kept safe. We also want to make sure policymakers hear our members' voices regarding setting safety standards and providing proper school funding.

Learn more: