July 09, 2020

Governor releases timetable for school budget revotes

Source:  ABSO - Association of School Business Officials of New York

From ABSO, the Association of School Business Officials of New York:

On July 3, Governor Cuomo issued Executive Order 202.47 establishing July 28 as a date for budget votes for school districts that had defeated budgets on June 9. The order notes that the 11 affected districts will operate under contingent budgets from July 1 to July 28. The re-vote will be held following guidelines that will be issued by the Department of Health. Because of concerns about COVID-19, all voters are eligible to request an absentee ballot.

Timeline of second budget vote:

July 7 – School districts must send a postcard to all residents; required information includes specifics of the vote date and location, when the budget hearing will be held, who is eligible to vote, and how residents can request an absentee ballot. If a district has a resident’s email address, the postcard can be sent via email. The postcard is a replacement for the two published notifications of the vote.

July 7-14 – Budget must be finalized at least seven days before budget hearing.

July 14 – School districts need to submit Property Tax Report Cards to SED.

July 14-21 – Budget hearing held 7-14 days before the vote.

July 21 – SED will release Property Tax Report Card data.

July 28 – Date of re-vote

The full text of the Executive Order is available here.