August 21, 2020

To our members who work in higher education: We are here for you!

Source:  NYSUT Communications
higher ed welcome

Brothers and Sisters:

As we begin this semester, we want to take a moment to thank you for your service to your students, your community and your union. The start of the academic year is usually an exciting time, marked by students returning to campus, lines at the bookstore and those first lectures of the year, but this year will be different.

Sadly, this is shaping up to be a year unlike any other — one that will be highly challenging for everyone involved.

In this season defined by change, two things remain constant. First, we know you will approach this year with the same professionalism and commitment you have always brought to the education and well-being of your students.

Second, we want you to know that your union will continue to have your back. We are fighting every day to protect the health, safety and well-being of our members. We are fighting to make sure your voices are heard and your jobs are protected.

Just as you will be there for your students, we will be here for you. We wish you the best during this unprecedented academic year. We know you and your colleagues are up to this challenge, and we look forward to standing shoulder to shoulder with you every step of the way.

In solidarity,

The NYSUT Officers

Andy, Jolene, Ron, Philippe