Every 10 years, Congress must carry out a complete count of every person living in the United States of America. All residents—including non-citizens, children, and seniors alike—are counted. This is the Census.
U.S. Census data is used to allocate over $675 billion in federal funds, including $34 billion in annual Medicaid allocations, billions more in housing assistance, and hundreds of millions to feed hungry children in schools. 132 federal programs use this data to determine the distribution of funds, and Census data is also used to determine our representation in government.
If we are undercounted in the Census, we not only stand to lose tens of billions of dollars in federal funds, but also seats in Congress! And it can't be fixed for another 10 years.
CLICK HERE to fill out your Census form online! It is safe and easy, and every household is required by law to complete a Census survey!
Filling out your Census form is the easiest way for you to improve health care in New York, feed hungry children in our schools, and ensure fair representation in Congress.
Don't wait! Fill out your Census form today!
In solidarity,
Andrew Pallotta
NYSUT President