September 10, 2018

Primary Day is Thursday 9/13! Make education the big winner!

Source:  NYSUT Communications
i voted

At this time of year, we hear a lot of talk about enthusiasm.

The experts say that when Republican voters are most enthusiastic, Republicans win elections.

They say when Democratic voters are most enthusiastic, Democrats win elections.

But this fall let's make sure that education voters are most enthusiastic, and then students, educators, and New York's public schools will be the big winners!

On Thursday, September 13, vote in New York's Primary Election and make education the big winner this fall!

Share our inspirational poster to spread the word!

i voted

This fall, there should be no lack of motivation to vote. Our state and our country are clearly at a crossroads, and the decisions we make this fall will impact what happens from the halls of power in Washington, D.C. to the capitol in Albany and to classrooms in each and every community in New York.

Up and down the ballot, there are candidates who will support students and public schools, who will stand with working families, and who will fight for the issues and values that we share.

And there are candidates who won't.

It is up to each of us to make the time and effort to exercise the awesome power of our vote... and to support those candidates who will support us.

On Thursday, September 13, vote in New York's Primary Election and make education the big winner this fall!

This year, with Primary Election Day on a Thursday instead of the normal Tuesday, it is more important than ever for us all to have a plan to vote and to make sure that our friends, family, and colleagues remember to vote, as well.

Let's make education voters the most enthusiastic voters of all this fall!

In solidarity,

Andrew Pallotta
NYSUT President

PS: Share our inspirational poster on Facebook to remind your friends and family to vote on Thursday, 9/13!

PPS: Click here to share the poster on Twitter, too!