This Thanksgiving, everyone at NYSUT is thankful for you.
When we needed terrific educators and support staff to ensure our students would get a great education, you were there. When we needed activists to stand up and fight for our rights, our pay, and our benefits, you were there. And this fall, when we needed you to get to the polls to support candidates who would support public schools, you were there.
This fall was indeed a wave election in New York: a pro-education wave.
All across the state, candidates were elected who will support public schools, who will stand with working people, and who will reject the test-and-punish DeVos-style agenda that we have fought against these last several years.
When we needed you, you helped us support those candidates, you helped us spread the word, and you got yourself to the polls to vote and get them elected.
And for all that, we thank you!
On behalf of everyone at NYSUT, I wish you and your family a HAPPY THANKSGIVING. Please enjoy the day, and know how grateful we are for absolutely everything that you do!
To our members, supporters, students, parents, and friends: You make New York's public schools and colleges—and NYSUT itself—all that they are today.
In solidarity,
Andrew Pallotta
NYSUT President
P.S.: Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! WE ARE GRATEFUL FOR YOU!