May 14, 2018

VOTE to support what's best for students TUESDAY, May 15

Author: Andy Pallotta, President
school budget vote

Our students' success depends on your vote!

On Tuesday, May 15, there will be elections for local school boards and votes on local school budget referenda held all across New York. With all the news and noise that comes out of Albany and Washington, D.C., it can be easy to lose sight of these smaller, local elections, but they are absolutely critical for our students and our schools!

Tuesday, May 15, is Election Day. Get out to vote!

Support candidates who support students, educators, and public schools…and help pass your local school budgets!

It is up to us to show up in force at the polls to ensure that our schools and students have what they need to succeed.

I'll be there. Will you?

In solidarity,

Andrew Pallotta
NYSUT President

P.S.: Tuesday, May 15, is Election Day! Get out to vote, and support public schools!